Technology and fashion are constantly changing, that's why Tiago's art is always focused on innovating and bringing to the public something they haven't seen before.

Tiago knows the digital world is gaining a lot of popularity, so much so that people who are aware of this technological revolution know that digital property can reach or surpass the real world assets in some sectors, given the many advantages it has, apart from fashion and social status.

That's why Tiago has been very clear to make available to his fans his art in digital format, so that you can get your digital asset yourself and be part of this technological evolution. You can have it in minutes, and resell it easily whenever you want.

Benefits of owning an NFT

  • Authenticity

    Allows you to own the original copy of a digital file in the same way you might own the original copy of a piece of physical art

  • Uniqueness

    Each NFT is unique, which means each digital property can have only one owner

  • Easy Resale

    Set the resale price you want in popular NFT Marketplaces such as

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What is an NFT?

NFT stands for "non-fungible token". At a basic level, an NFT is a digital asset that links ownership to unique physical or digital items and rare assets, such as works of art, real estate, music, or videos. NFTs can be considered modern-day collectibles.

What does non-fungibility mean?

Non-fungibility implies that the assets represented by NFTs are unique and non-interchangeable. For example, you can trade a 10-dollar bill for ten one-dollar bills. However, you cannot trade a unique trading card for a different card as it would change the value of the collector’s collection.

Are NFTs simply an image (JPEG)?

No. NFTs are more than JPEGs in many ways, starting from verification of ownership to authenticity of the artwork. The most important highlight of NFTs in an NFT vs JPEG comparison would refer to the ‘non-fungibility’ aspect. In addition, NFTs can also offer the additional advantages which come with blockchain as they are basically smart contracts on blockchain networks. Ethereum serves as the most popular choice for developing NFTs right now, with support for unique assets. You can store the unique cryptographic tokens in different virtual crypto wallets and access them according to your convenience.

What can I do with my NFT?

When purchasing your artwork in a digital format, you become the only owner and get the totality of the rights to keep, use at will, resell, etc. Your digital property is registered in the blockchain through a Smart Contract which proves the authenticity of the art (it is impossible to copy it) and states that you are the only owner.

What is a blockchain?

A Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. It offers the features of decentralization, security, traceability, reliability, and immutability.

As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

What is a Smart Contract?

A Smart Contract is simply a program stored on a blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. In technical terms, it is an automated or self-executing contract that holds the agreement between two parties embedded using code. The smart contract is distributed, decentralized, and transparent as it runs on blockchain technology.

They are typically used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be immediately certain of the outcome. They are completely operated by algorithms and code, so they function automatically.

What is a crypto wallet?

Cryptocurrency wallets are the same as your regular wallets. The only difference is that they are used for storing digital currency. From a technical perspective, crypto wallets are basically application software intended for storing and retrieving your crypto assets. 

It is also important to know that your crypto wallets don’t store your crypto assets like your physical wallet holds cash or credit cards (your crypto assests are stored in a blockchain). What a cryptocurrency wallet actually stores are the digital credentials you would need for accessing your crypto tokens (coins, NFTs, etc.). Basically, the wallet serves as machine-readable proof of ownership of your coins and NFTs.

What Network are Tiago's digital artworks on?

Tiago Olliver’s artworks are implemented in the Ethereum blockchain as NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens).

Why do you deploy your NFTs on the Ethereum Network?

Transaction history and token metadata on Ethereum is publicly verifiable - it's simple to prove ownership history. Once a transaction is confirmed, it's nearly impossible to manipulate that data to "steal" ownership.

Also, Ethereum is currently the most popular blockchain for NFTs. It's highly decentralized and provides all the financial and legal services one typically needs for transactions without the need for any intermediaries.

Where do I buy an NFT?

NFTs can only be bought with cryptocurrency. The most popular marketplace for NFTs is

Where do I buy cryptocurrency or digital currency?

You can purchase cryptocurrency on a crypto exchange or trading platform. For example:,,, etc.